Programming Course - Micro:bit


Introduction to Micro:bit

Micro:bit is a programmable electronic board designed for education. It offers a variety of features, including LEDs, motion sensors, an LED display, and extension pins.

Programming Language

Micro:bit can be programmed using several languages, including Microsoft MakeCode (a graphical block language), Python, and JavaScript. Programs can be written and downloaded via a web browser.

Getting Started with Micro:bit

MakeCode Editor

The MakeCode online editor is the most commonly used tool for programming the Micro:bit. It allows users to create programs by assembling graphical blocks.

Python Programming

Micro:bit also supports programming in Python via the online Python editor or using a third-party code editor such as Mu. Python offers more flexibility for advanced users.

Using Components

LED Matrix

The Micro:bit LED display is a 5x5 LED matrix. LEDs can be controlled individually to display icons, messages, or graphics.


Micro:bit is equipped with two buttons, A and B, located on the front of the board. These buttons can be used to interact with programs, such as triggering actions or events.

Motion Sensors

Micro:bit includes motion sensors such as an accelerometer and a magnetometer, which can detect tilt, shakes, and orientation.

Extension Pins

Micro:bit has extension pins that allow you to connect external components such as sensors, actuators, and extension boards.

Advanced Projects

Wireless Communication

Micro:bit supports wireless communication via Bluetooth. This allows Micro:bits to communicate with each other or with other Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as smartphones or computers.

Artificial Intelligence Programming

Advanced users can explore artificial intelligence programming on Micro:bit using libraries such as TinyML. This enables the creation of machine learning applications on a board as small as Micro:bit.

Here's an explanatory video about micro:bit:


1. What programming languages can be used to program Micro:bit ?

2. What is the size of the LED matrix on Micro:bit ?

3. How many buttons does Micro:bit have ?